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Marvel & Square Enix Have Partnered To Bring Many Games Starting With The Avengers
by Julia Schoebel [ Thursday, 26th of January 2017 - 06:00 PM ]
Avengers A new partnership has been announced and we are getting a new Avengers game from Marvel & Square Enix that will tell an original Avengers story in the vast universe There were some nice teases over the last few days on a new announcement coming from Marvel and Square Enix with a lot of speculation aimed at a "Marvel World" being in Kingdom Hearts III being the big news. It looks like all of that is completely wrong as now we know that it was all to announce the two giant's partnership and that we will be getting a full on video game for The Avengers sometime in the near-ish future. 2018 seems to be the year thrown around here but that doesn't stop it the excitement as there will be a nice big and flashy new Avengers game to be played out there in the mix of all of the other Marvel titles also on the way this year and the next. Read More...
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