Dying Light
A new update for Dying Light 2 is here and it looks like things are getting a little more viral for Dying Light out there
The next massive update for Dying Light 2 is out there, so take note those of you that have put the game down as you were waiting for the next content drop. Here we go with Techland adding in the new "Gut Feeling" update that not only brings the usual quality of life and event updates to us. This new update brings us all something we have been looking for in Dying Light 2 for a while now. That is a way to keep the look of the gear you like while keeping the stats of the gear you do not like the look of. Yes, we are getting Gear Transom in the game now. That is not the only thing we are getting here, though.
On top of this update, Dying Light 2 will have a little bit of a change for the gear crafting out there. Something that will allow us to upgrade the blueprints too so we can have a little more customization to our load-outs. There is also another outpost going up in the world so we have one more location to garner missions and such. All of which to build into the bigger event taking place from April 20th to May 4th where we will be able to unlock Dying Light's Rahim gear. A nice little bonus for just playing and sticking with the game. Have a look and make sure you have updated to the latest build now.
Dying Light 2 — Gut Feeling
Techland spills their guts about major combat and physics improvements to Dying Light 2 with the new Gut Feeling update. Players now have more ways to cut and dismember enemies’ limbs with intense bone-crunching, eye-popping damage visualizations, and VFX, making the brutality even more physically rewarding and goresome!
That’s not all, Techland continues to support the game as part of the five-year commitment, and this update contains many community requested features and improvements including:
Pilgrim Outpost – Head To The Outpost, Pilgrim
A new in-game and online destination for players to activate bounties, track community events, and receive Pilgrim tokens. Players can spend these tokens in the new Pilgrim Outpost to buy exclusive weapons, outfits, and charms. Each week, new bounties will be introduced to the players.
Gear Transmog – Keep Your Atyle & Stats
Don’t compromise on style–players can now maintain both stats and look good with the gear transmog feature.
Weapon Crafting – Find & Upgrade Blueprints
The new weapon crafting system offers control over the player’s loadout. Blueprints are obtained as players explore the city or claimed as rewards. On visiting Craftmasters, each blueprint is upgradable, increasing weapon’s stats with each level.
Viral Rush Event – Survive The Horrors Of The Night
Participate in the “Viral Rush” event starting today, April 20, until Thursday, May 4, 2023, and complete personal and global goals to unlock the Rahim Bundle, which includes two exclusive skins and a weapon–as more roaming and furious virals spawn, players will require heightened combat and nightrunner skills to survive.
Are you still deep in the world of Dying Light here or did you need this update to bring you back in? Have you been hoping to get the new feature to keep your style while building your stats up with your gear? Will you find the new blueprint upgrades good at all or will it be ignored more or less? Run down to the comment section and let us all know what you are thinking. There is still a good amount of time left in the lifecycle for Dying Light 2, so be sure to keep checking in here for all of that and everything else out there.