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DOOM Is Finally Coming This May & Bringing Something Extra
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 4th of February 2016 - 06:00 PM ]
DOOM The release date for DOOM has been set and we also have a nice, new collector's edition for DOOM to try and get us to drop even more money on the game The wait is almost over for DOOM, or at least in sight, as we now have a solid release date for the game and it is May 13th 2016. Looks like id Software has finally made it to a place in the development process where they feel they can dictate when DOOM hits the PS4, Xbox One, and PC without worry of having to delay. Now mostly everything rests on Bethesda's shoulders to make sure we all know about DOOM and what to expect in this title even though the franchise has been around for over two decades. Hopefully you have a grasp on it so far. Read More...
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DOOM Has Some Menacing New Screenshots & Details To Digest
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 11th of January 2016 - 08:00 PM ]
DOOM A fresh batch of screenshots for DOOM have been released as well as a few highlights from the upcoming coverage of DOOM in Game Informer for us to take in Most of everything is stated in the above as we have some new screenshots for DOOM out there and ready for us all to pick apart and enjoy as id Software continues their work toward bringing us this franchise again. It does look like they are nailing DOOM to the best of their abilities from just the visuals we are getting here but there is still so much more until we can add this game to the great wall of Bethesda when DOOM launches sometime this spring. At least that is still the tentative time for DOOM to come to the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Read More...
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Get The BFG Ready As We Have A New DOOM Gameplay Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 13th of August 2015 - 09:00 PM ]
A new bit of gameplay for DOOM has been released out there and it shows off some good old fashions demon killing…and the BFG Sometimes in the hullabaloo of things stuff gets lost in the cracks as was the case here with the most recent DOOM trailer that was released. There have been so many new things going on due to Gamescom and a plethora of title releases that this new DOOM trailer was also missed by us here as well. We are sorry for that id Software and now we are going to make up for that. Granted it will only be in the way of showing off the new DOOM trailer to all but at least it is something. Read More...
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New Screenshots & Multiplayer News For DOOM Come Out Of QuakeCon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 24th of July 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
News about the DOOM multiplayer beta and alpha have come out of QuakeCon 2015 as well as a few new looks at the gameplay for DOOM It would make sense that out of QuakeCon we would get some new information for DOOM wouldn't it? It is one of the larger showcasing of Bethesda's titles and we all know DOOM is going to try and make a huge splash when it finally launches on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Hells, DOOM helped do wonders to get the pre-orders for Wolfenstein: The New Order to spike among those who were not willing to take a chance. This was of course to the fact that id Software was offering beta access to the DOOM multiplayer with the pre-order and TNO turned out to be an amazing game. Read More...
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Have A Look At The DOOM 4 That Already Mets Its Doom
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 19th of May 2015 - 09:00 PM ]
Footage of an unreleased version of DOOM 4 has surfaced online so we can all see the direction DOOM is not going to be taking Yesterday we had a taste of what is coming for DOOM for us all but what about that DOOM 4 that we are not going to be getting? Yes, there apparently is a version of the game that Bethesda and id Software didn't want because it didn't have the "spirit" of the DOOM franchise. In this version we won't be seeing there is a military force on Earth that appears to be pushing back the forces of Hell. Kind of a deviation as even the poorly received film on the franchise stayed a bit closer to the original story than this sounded to be. Read More...
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Get Ready For Our DOOM At E3 With A Nice Little Tease
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 18th of May 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
The first bit of gameplay for DOOM has been released to tease a world gameplay reveal at Bethesda's E3 event in June We've all been waiting patiently for something more on the upcoming DOOM title from id Software and Bethesda. Very patiently given that there were pre-order bonuses that gave us access to the DOOM beta when it goes live. We have yet to see a thing for the game but at least we all were sure it was still on its way. Today though it looks like the wait…now has a defined end date at Bethesda's E3 event when we should be seeing DOOM in action most likely on the PC version but possibly on the PS4 or Xbox One version. Read More...
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In The Mix Of E3 We Kind Of Missed The Doom 4 Teaser Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of June 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
There was a Doom 4 teaser released during E3 but the full reveal is slated for QuakeCon. We have that teaser though If there is one thing that I hate about E3 it is that we all get so busy that things like the new Doom 4 teaser trailer falls through the cracks and doesn't get its 15 minutes of fame. I almost missed it in the mix of all the emails and social media posts. Lucky enough for all of us that I caught it and was able to place it in memory to show off after all the madness had ended. Read More...
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So What Did You Think About Rage?
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 10th of October 2011 - 06:23 PM ]
Now that Id Software's new IP is out, what do you guys think about it?I was thoroughly impressed with the demo Id showed off earlier this year at PAX East and eagerly waited for its release in August, but sadly it was pushed back to October. I was perfectly ok with that since I knew the finished product was going to blow my mind into oblivion, but I guess it is safe to say that I'm slightly disappointed. Now don't get me wrong, Rage is still a fun game for me to play, but I was expecting a lot more. I guess the hype got my head in the clouds. Read More...
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Rage Co-Op Gameplay
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 12th of September 2011 - 09:58 PM ]
The upcoming new FPS from Id Software Rage has another new trailer out. This time showcasing the Water Service mission with some great Co-Op. The trailer shows off the usual with Co-operative game play; Work together to win. It seems Id has implemented a bit of competition as well with a combo and point system and a sense of urgency with the whole mission being timed. Complete a step of the objective and you will be rewarded for more time. At the end of the trailer they show off a little bit of the Teammate reviving mechanic, which is always a nice addition to a co-op game. Read More...
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Prey 2 Live Action Trailer
by Corey Dockendorf [ Saturday, 19th of March 2011 - 07:57 PM ]
Bethesda Softworks announced this week Prey 2, and the teaser will make you think twice about putting your cell phone on airplane mode. Prey, which was released back in July of 2006, was originally developed by Human Head Studios. Prey followed the sci-fi adventures of Cherokee Domasi "Tommy" Tawodi. The general story was that he, along with Girlfriend and Grandfather, were beamed up to an alien ship known only as The Sphere. The Sphere has this whole Galactacus complex, as it devours all materials, living or inanimate from our tiny blue planet. Read More...
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Id's Rage Becomes Untethered With A New Trailer & Release Date
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 24th of February 2011 - 07:28 PM ]
By Matt Waitt Id Software gives us a nice little reminder that their first new IP in over ten years is coming out. That IP being Rage. This new trailer shows off some extremely beautiful landscapes of destruction as well as some promising action scenes. All set to the tune of an original song titled “Burning Jacob’s Ladder” by singer Mark Lanegan (Screaming Trees, Queens of the Stone Age, Gutter Twins). The song definitely sets the mood for Rage; dark, ominous and gritty. The three things Id knows best. Read More...
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Wolfenstein to Sponsor Premiere of Inglorious Basterds
by Brian Bentley [ Tuesday, 28th of July 2009 - 10:36 PM ]
Who better to sponsor a premiere of a movie about killing Nazis than a video game franchise that wrote the book on killing Nazis?  Today, Activision and id Software announced the sponsorship of the "Inglorious Basterds" premiere by the also soon-to-be-released Wolfenstein.  Also included is a contest in conjunction with GameStop with a prize that includes airfare, accommodations, tickets to the premiere and admission to the after-party.  The contest begins today and must be really short considering the premiere at Grauman's Chinese Theater is August 10.  I shouldn't really encourage you to sign up for the contest as I have visions of sitting next to Diane Kruger. Read More...
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ZeniMax Media Inc Acquires id Software
by Ben Brody [ Thursday, 25th of June 2009 - 06:16 AM ]
ZeniMax Media, the parent company of Bethesda, of Fallout 3 and Elder Scrolls fame, has purchased id Software, of Doom, Wolfenstein, Quake, and Commander Keen fame. The move was surprising, as more people have been questioning who was going to buy Midway rather than who was going to buy id. Daily operations won't change at id Software, “No changes will be made in the operations of id Software in the development of its games. id Software will continue to operate as a studio under the direction of its founder, John Carmack.” Soothing news to those following the development of id's next AAA game, Rage. Read More...
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E3 Impressions - Wolfenstein
by Brian Bentley [ Saturday, 6th of June 2009 - 05:56 PM ]
There is something unforgettable about the moment you began playing Wolfenstein 3D.  Fast, furious and in your face, this title made an impact that affected the games industry forever.  For many gamers, including myself, it changed the way we played and thought about games, shooters in particular.  Fast forward 17 years and many first player shooters later, Wolfenstein is getting set up to be released by id Software and during this E3, we saw a demonstration focusing on the supernatural aspects of the game.   Once again, you assume the role of BJ Blazkowicz and it is your mission to uncover and stop the Nazi plot to take over the world. Read More...
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Quakecon registration finally ANNOUNCED!
by Stephanie Naboshek [ Thursday, 24th of April 2008 - 02:10 AM ]
GET READY TO CELEBRATE 4 DAYS OF PEACE, LOVE AND ROCKETS! If you're a local DFW gamer or stalker of the Dallas based Lan event, Quakecon, then boy do I have great news for you!! id finally announced registration dates for Quakecon - April 30th at 9pm EST (8PM DALLAS TIME) For those of you unfamiliar with Quakecon, it is one of the greatest BYOC's you can attend in America. Hosted by the video game developers, id, Quakecon has set the marker for BYOC lan events and tournaments. And best of all.... Read More...
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