Charlie/Nash is now longer a teased character for Street Fighter V as we now have some footage of him in full action. Maybe you remember the tease as it was back in December of last year or maybe you don't. It doesn't matter anymore as the quick three second video is part of the new trailer that we have for Street Fighter V. It also happens to show some of the insane combos that Nash will have as well as the ability to teleport in the PS4/PC title. Now things are getting weird…
You can see the new trailer for yourself right from Capcom and see what I am talking about for this Street Fighter V character here. Not that I think you'll look away before then end but if you are one of those people, do stick around as there is a tease for another Street Fighter V character shortly after. I really don't get these "teases" that Street Fighter V and MKX are employing but whatever.
Street Fighter V — Nash Gameplay
So it looks like Nash could quickly be an annoying character in Street Fighter V to me. Just as Scorpion upsets so many in the MK franchise. I am sure a talented player of fighting games will be able to counter the ability to teleport after launching a slow "sonic boom" attack but for those non-professionals out there I think it will be seen as cheap. I may be wrong but I already see it in other games and Street Fighter V looks like it will be having it. I'll trust their design choices for now but it doesn't sit right for me.
What do you think of Nash for Street Fighter V though? Do you see what I see or do you think it is a great addition and change for the franchise? Are you just more excited to see that M. Bison is most likely going to be the next revealed character? Let us know in the comments bellow.