South Park
One more look at South Park: Snow Day is here to show off the Switch version and how our South Park character will come to life
With March 26th quickly coming up here, we all need more reasons to look at South Park: Snow Day and get ready to give it all a try. It is still a little weird to me that we are going 3D with this game but I am sure that Question Games has a good reason for that or THQ Nordic would not have been onboard. All of that aside, there is a nice little look at South Park: Snow Day as it gears up for its launch on the Switch, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. A look that shows us more of the character customization we will have in the game when March 26th does roll on up.
With how we have all assumed before now, these new customization options will flow just as we would expect for a South Park game but with the extra dimension added around it. By this, I mean that all of the gear will be mundane things that the kids of the town would have to put on, or nods to the show, while also giving them all the extra powers that their imaginations would give them. All to explain away why the single-player and multiplayer of South Park: Snow Day is so over-the-top for kids playing outside. Not to mention all of the fun humor that the IP has always brought to the table over the decades.
South Park: Snow Day — Nintendo Direct
Hey, New Kid! Grab up to three friends, in this four-player co-op, and battle your way through the snow-piled town of South Park to celebrate the most magical day in any young child’s life — a snow day!
Equip and upgrade devastating melee and ranged weapons. Deploy special abilities and powers that will bring hordes of enemies and epic bosses to their knees.
South Park: Snow Day is coming to Nintendo Switch on March 26.
I still have some concerns for South Park: Snow Day with the game feeling a bit off with the 3D aspect to it all. Not that the IP has never gone there before, but it always feels like it is a good one-off thing and not to the level this one is going. Maybe it is just the decades of seeing it in a certain format and it is a version of the Uncanny Valley for me. That said, it does feel like we are going to have all the fun options to make the New Kid feel like a member of the South Park community and maybe even go deep into some of the more current lore and jokes of the IP. That is something that they do pride themselves on with being current.
Will you be looking to play the game on the Switch or will you go down to South Park on one of the other platforms out there? Do you think we will get more of the current things from the IP to wear in the game or will it be everything up to the last few years when the game started development? Will you be able to get used to the 3D style of it all or will it be too "off" for you to fully enjoy? Slide on into the comment section below to let us all know and then discuss your thoughts. We will have much more for South Park: Snow Day, so please keep on coming by to see and hear about all of that as it does come out there.